Bart Stupak: Phase II

By AC Smith

While Republicans and the Tea Party celebrate the announcements of Stupak’s retirement from a position many call a public servant, I say to remember the old cliché. “He who laughs last, laughs best.”

This is only Phase II of Stupak’s plans.

As many Tea Party supporters believe that they had a lot to do with Stupak’s retirement, do not think that Stupak did not know that his re-election would be doomed. Yes. The Tea Party supporters are having success at putting as much fire behind opposition to the principles they stand by, but as I mentioned in my article Stupak Spits in the Face of the Unborn the battle, even with Stupak is not over.

If we are serious about defeating the socialist path/agenda that both Republicans and mostly Democrats have put us on and start on the straight and narrow path for the revitalization and prosperity of America, we will need to take no prisoners. Not Republican or Democratic prisoners. If they are not about protecting America’s freedoms, prosperity, and faith, we must speak powerfully and firm.

This is not the end of the battle but only the beginning of possibly the United States’ last stand.

Stupak got something out of the Chicago/San Francisco Obama/Pelosi deal and it is not just a few million dollars for his district. As time goes on, we may see the fruits of Stupak’s mischief for him and possibly some of his congressional colleges associated with his so-called pro-life group. 

The march for freedom must be a focused one. There is no time to declare victory when America is going down its socialized path of government dependence.