Call It What It Is

By AC Smith

The following is a response to Charles Garcia’s editorial for CNN in which he argues that the term “illegal immigrant” is a slur.

Liberals are at it again, trying to make it seem like we are accusing someone of committing illegal crime beyond the already illegal act of being an illegal alien. When we call someone an illegal alien, or simply say a person is illegal, everyone knows we are talking about their immigration status and nothing more, unless we state an additional specific illegal act.

The CNN article also states that it it’s not illegal to apply to a job. Technically that might be right, but using false documentation to cover up or disguise legal status, or not updating expired immigration status, is illegal.

Now, how do we get something racial out of calling something what it truly is?  Undocumented immigrant?  What a joke! According to Garcia, half of the people had visas but over-stayed the term. We would not know they are now illegal unless it is documented that the visas expired.

Are we that stupid? Come on! Let’s stop changing the rules of reasoning.