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In the sea of life, some issues are black and white. Then you have the Waves of Gray.

What is Waves of Gray?

We're all different. We all have our own perspectives, which are shaped by our education, life experiences, and belief systems. Naturally, we will disagree with one another about certain issues. In fact, the founders of this website disagree about most things. When an absolute black and white conclusion is not universally accepted for a given subject, we call it a "wave of gray."

Although many of these issues might be crystal clear to us as individuals, others could be far more complicated. If we can keep an open mind, and have a respectful discussion with an emphasis on facts, perhaps we can get to the core of our differences.

Please note an exception to our open-mind policy:

Although most topics are open for discussion, we don't acknowledge opinions that are rooted in hate. There are not fine people on both sides and we won't engage in those conversations.

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SELECTED ARTICLES (Find more on the Discussion page)


by Jamie Neben

In a world full of differences, the fact that we are so alike seems hard to believe.  We live in different places, have different faces, and speak different languages.  We pray to different gods and grow up with different life experiences.  Yet, the human condition binds us together and extends from the largest cities to the far corners of the earth.  Our emotions and feelings, although very personal, are not unique. We all know the pleasure of joy and the agony of pain.  We’ve all been brave in certain situations and afraid in others. We mourn our loved ones with equal grief in the wake of tragedy.  We have so much in common that it’s unexplainable why some people try their best to disrupt our lives rather than helping us to develop into a more connected state.

The intentional chaos that mankind creates is a veritable insult to humanity.  Everywhere you look, and especially on social media websites, meaningful discourse is interrupted by so-called trolls who spew inflammatory rhetoric for the sole purpose of agitating the other participants.  They often use religion and politics as their platforms, knowing those topics cause more division than anything else has in world history.  The most troubling aspect of this ugly reality is that the toxic venom doesn’t originate in a vacuum.  Our fellow human beings, perhaps some in our own communities, are posting these hateful words.  Chances are pretty good that we interact with them without even realizing it as we simply go about our daily business. The most startling realization is that they could be members of our own families.


Lose that Attitude (Be Positive)

by Jamie Neben

One of my primary desires in life, and the underlying reason why I co-founded Waves of Gray with A.C. Smith, is to make the world a better place.   As an idealist who believes that change is possible, I strive to spread positive energy in any possible capacity, whether it’s by way of a private exchange, or through mass communication such as a website article or radio interview.   Of course, I am hardly alone in that endeavor, and I’m sure we could all name several noteworthy individuals who have contributed untold resources to the cause of improving the lives of other people.  But along with the recognition and gratitude, I have to wonder about the degree of resistance each person experiences while seeking to make a difference.

The reason I mention it is because my good vibrations are often met with cynicism, if not outright contempt.   Those who will even admit that my mission is laudable are prone to ask me why I bother.  I’ve been told that peace is not achievable on a community scale, let alone a global one.  From their perspective, the mere thought that I might make a sizable impact is compared to living in a fool’s paradise.  Some who are less enthusiastic demand to know why they should be nice to others when nobody treats them in kind.  Then you have those who take satisfaction from misfortune.


The Affordable American Health Care Act (A.C. Smithcare)

by A.C. Smith

How are we supposed to reform health care?  The politicians should have called me, because I would had reduced the cost 90% or more and would provide access to health care for all Americans

I want to put TOTAL power into the consumer’s hands! That could mean catastrophic insurance where the insurance company only pays once the cost reaches a certain amount, or comprehensive insurance that pays for every little thing.  It could be a standard employer-based plan.  If a person or family is very financially and physically responsible and able to bear the burden should something unexpected occur, they do not need to have insurance at all. The bottom line is that it will be up to the CONSUMER and not the government to decide what is right.

While we’re talking about employer plans, It would be nice if the companies would pay us all the benefits in wage and let individuals obtain their own insurance just like car insurance.

I want to get away from mandating anything, but I believe each person should automatically have a lifetime 401k type of account which they deposit money into, meaning THEY OWN IT. This money will be split up between their health care and retirement (because I would get rid of government social security).   Health care costs might include premiums, deductibles or the direct cost of services if uninsured or out of network.  Why can’t we be responsible without having the government hold our hands?

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Compromising Situation

by AC Smith and Jamie Neben

In today’s political climate, our representatives on either side of the aisle are finding less common ground than ever before, and have an even less desire to move toward it.  Compromise may as well be a dirty word.  With further debt ceiling talks looming large, concessions must likely be made by all.  Here is how each of us feels about compromise.


Health Care: Jesus Didn't Heal Everybody

by A.C. Smith

As the government shutdown and debt ceiling debates have brought our nation’s business to a halt, one of the major sticking points during the negotiations was the delay and/or defunding of Obamacare.  While true Conservatives have always stressed that we should have the freedom to decide whether we want to purchase health-care insurance (and deal with the consequences if we choose not to), I hear liberals trying to argue that Jesus himself would not approve of any system that would allow those in need to go untreated.  They say that he never turned his back on people that needed help.

That’s false!

If you read the Bible, you’ll find that every time Jesus healed people, he healed them all because they all believed.  He never overrides someone else’s will.  If people wanted to believe something else and suffer because of it, they had the freedom to do so.  Jesus let them suffer and didn’t help them.

We can find much evidence of this in the Bible, such as the below examples in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark.

And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.”  Matthew 13:58

He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.”  Mark 6:5

Just like Liberals and Democrats, you can put miracles and the truth/facts right in front of them, but they have the right and freedom to believe or not to believe.  Jesus was amazed when he couldn’t heal all of the sickness because of their lack of faith.

It’s the same way now because America does not want to follow His instructions or the truth.  Many people today would not receive any more help than those who lived in Biblical times.  In the Old Testament, whole cities were wiped out because there was not a decent person living in them.  Why is it acceptable to be living in the same way now, when it was not acceptable then?

It’s not!



Second Thoughts: My Thoughts on Gun Control and the Second Amendment

(first published in 2012)

by Jamie Neben

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution

It’s impossible to make sense of the recent massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut because something so horrific is absolutely senseless.  But one thing we can do, and certainly need to do, is try to figure out where to go from here, and the sooner the better.  The conversation is sure to include topics such as mental illness, family values, and living in a culture that glamorizes violence.  But the very hostile elephant in the room is the topic of gun control.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees its citizens the right to bear arms, so any perceived or real threat to that freedom makes many people understandably upset.  Occasionally, like as we’re witnessing now, we see a drastic spike in new weapon purchases based on the fear that guns will soon be severely restricted.  The fear is usually unfounded since the majority of those who want reform have not suggested that we go door-to-door and round up all the artillery, or even that we outlaw all future firearm sales.  On the other hand, a growing number of voices are calling for some kind of action.  They believe we cannot just stand by and do nothing at all.  Not anymore.  So we need a solution that preserves the second amendment but helps prevent future tragedies.


NAACP: Are We Advancing?

by A.C. Smith

Here is a message to the NAACP (formerly known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).   

Are we advancing if we are killing our children or slowing our population to grow?

Are we advancing if we are not putting our education in the forefront of the goals we have for our children?

Are we advancing if we do not put our major efforts into snuffing out the drug culture in our communities?

Are we advancing when we support political parties or the color of someone's skin over principles?

Are we advancing if we do not ensure that men stay in the households and are the leaders in our homes?

Are we advancing when we leave the example of selfishness for our children to follow?


No Room for Doubt...Or Is There?

by Jamie Neben and AC Smith

Jamie says:

During our recent guest appearance on the Jesse Peterson radio program, a question arose as to whether having doubt in matters of faith is considered to be a sin.  I replied in the negative because we are all certain to be tested at various times, and periods of doubt are not only quite normal, but they are healthy too since we ultimately become stronger believers once we overcome that doubt.  AC Smith quickly found the following biblical passage in an effort to set me straight:

“And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith; for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.”(Romans 14:23)


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